How AlphaESS helps to combat skyrocketing energy bills in older family homes
For decades, Tim and his wife lived a busy family life, both working full time with two growing teenagers in the semi-rural suburb of Fraser in the ACT.
Their house, built in the 1970s, was a big 4 bedroom brick home featuring large living and entertaining areas overlooking natural bushland and mountain tops. Being an older dwelling, it was a total electric home (hot water, heating, cooking) and very expensive to run. Fast forward to 2016, with 4 adults now living in the home, energy use skyrocketed.
Over the years, Tim had researched solar but it was deemed too expensive for the returns and put on the back burner. But in mid 2015, Tim was captured by an advertisement he saw for solar and battery storage
After discussions with installer and understanding the forecasted energy savings, this started the process of two installations hooked up to Intelligent Control.
1.In 2016, 22 solar panels and a 6kWh AlphaESS Storion battery was installed.
2.And then, 12 months later in 2017, Tim added an extra 22 solar panels and an additional 6 kWh battery to further increase their energy storage capacity
To ensure their return on investment was even more affordable, Tim was able to claim the battery rebate from the ACT Government.
With Intelligent Control added to his solar and battery, Tim’s last annual electricity bill was $573 in credit.
Without Intelligent Control, Tim’s electricity bill was around $2000 per year.
How AlphaESS helps to save your money
1. Self-consumption optimization
Store the surplus PV generation in the battery and reassign the energy to match your electricity usage.
You can cut electricity bill by using the energy from grid as less as possible.
2. Load-shifting:
Store electricity during off peak time and shift energy to be used at peak time.
You can save money by avoiding electricity peak rate.
3. Peak-shaving (for commercial & industrial applications)
You can avoid the increase of import capacity to supply the peaks of a variable load as energy storage provides a fast response and emission-free solution.
AlphaESS Optimized Solutions for Battery Systems in Series
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