Where are we going To carbon neutral
As we know, it's inevitable that human beings emit carbon. If we cannot reduce, we absorb it. Carbon neutrality is very important if we want to avoid climate disasters. Carbon neutrality means making a balance between emitting and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in #carbonsinks, which is a system that absorbs more carbon than it emits. The main natural carbon sinks are soil, forests, and oceans, etc... So far, no artificial carbon sinks are capable to absorb carbon on the necessary scale to fight global warming.
Another way to reach carbon neutrality is to offset emissions produced in one place by reducing them somewhere else. This can be achieved through investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other clean technologies. The EU’s emissions trading system (ETS) is an example. And for sure AlphaESS is constantly working on it and never give up.
As of now, no countries are entirely carbon neutral yet. However, there is a number of countries that have made promises to reduce their carbon emissions over the coming decades. Austria has promised to become carbon neutral by 2040. The UK, Japan, and Korea, together with more than 110 other countries, have pledged carbon neutrality by 2050, and China before 2060.
As of March 2021, 191 members of the #UNFCCC are parties to the Paris Agreement. More and more zero-carbon solutions are becoming competitive across economic sectors representing 25% of emissions. This trend is overwhelming in the power and transport areas and many new business opportunities, therefore, have come into being.
We shall spare no effort and no cost to avoid climate disaster and we expect that together with all by 2030, over 70% of global emissions could be represented by competitive zero-carbon solutions.
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